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Tuition Waiver

Tuition Waiver 2024-06-18T12:26:16+00:00

Tuition Waiver

Tuition and Fee Waiver for Permanent Employees of Washington State

Highline College shall waive tuition, operating, and services and activities fees for permanent half-time or more employees of Washington State who enroll in state funded classes on a space available basis. This waiver does not apply to contract funded or student funded classes and special fees (computer, telecourse, etc.) which must be paid by all students enrolled in the class. This waiver applies to faculty, counselors, librarians, classified staff, and exempt professional and administrative employees at institutions of higher education employed half-time or more.

Space available, for this purpose, is defined as the seats or spaces remaining within the authorized published class capacity on the seventh day of academic quarter or the equivalent day of summer quarter.


Math 105 has a class capacity 32; the number of officially enrolled students is 28 as of the end of the first week of the academic quarter or the equivalent date of summer. The space available in this specific Math 105 class is four (4) spaces. New or additional class sections will NOT be created for any fee waiver program. Permanent state classified employees may officially enroll in state funded classes on the seventh day of the academic quarter or an equivalent summer quarter date (see Quarterly Class Schedule for specific enrollment dates). State employees may attend all class sessions during the first seven days until the determination of space availability is made.


Permanent classified employees of Washington Public School district under the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI) are not state employees for the purpose of this tuition waiver program.

Documentation Required for Enrollment / Registration Each Academic Quarter

Complete a Tuition Waiver form and take it to Human Resources for processing. You will take this form to Registration for enrollment in class.

Enrollment data for these fee waiver students will be maintained and reported separately from data of students who pay tuition. The college does not receive state or federal funding for students enrolled under space available fee waiver programs.

State employees shall be limited to two (2) classes per academic quarter under this Space Available Tuition Waiver program.

State employees enrolling in courses under this fee waiver program shall be charged a $8.00 (non-refundable) registration and records fee plus applicable computer and/ or laboratory usage fees and may not enroll in any class in which he or she holds or has held a space due to payment of full fees during the same academic quarter.