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Ethics 2019-03-22T16:32:22+00:00

Ethics Tutorial

Highline College (HC) expects that employees will observe the highest standards of ethical conduct. Each employee is expected to place the college’s interest above his or her own self-interest in all education, business, and other work-related matters where there is any actual or potential conflict or the appearance of a conflict.

The Washington State Executive Ethics Board Training enhances the ability of Highline College employees to make ethical decisions and maintain the high standards of conduct required of all State of Washington employees. This training introduces College employees to ethics in the workplace so they are able to apply ethical concepts and principals to their HC responsibilities.

New employees are required to complete this training within the first month of their employment.

To successfully complete the Washington State Executive Ethics Board Training:

  1. Go to the Washington State Executive Ethics Board, Training Materials for Supervisors and Leads. The information on this site is for all Highline employees. Read all 12 session handouts and scenario answers, and then take the Online Ethics Quiz. The training takes approximately 30 to 45 minutes to complete.
  2. Once the online training is complete, fill out the Certification of Completion form.
  3. Make a copy for you and send the original to Human Resources, Mail Stop 99-200.
    The original copy will be placed in your personnel file.

If you have questions, contact Human Resources at extension 3812 or hrstaff@highline.edu.