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Title IX – Reporting Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation

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Title IX – Reporting Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation 2024-08-01T08:12:35+00:00

Title IX – Reporting Sex-Based Harassment, Sex Discrimination, and Retaliation

Sex-based Harassment and Sex-Discrimination is illegal under Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act, and Washington State’s Law Against Discrimination, and their implementing regulations. Any individual found responsible for engaging in Sex-based Harassment or Sex Discrimination may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from the College’s educational programs and activities and/or termination of employment. Highline College has adopted the Highline College Sex Discrimination Investigation Procedure for purposes of receiving and investigating allegations of Sex-Based Harrassment and Sex Discrimination arising within the College’s educational programs and activities and workplace as those terms are defined within the procedure.

If you have experienced sex-based harassment or sex discrimination you have the right to make a formal complaint and request an investigation.

Related Highline College Policies & Procedures

  1. Sex-Based Harassment and Sex Discrimination Investigation Procedure
  2. Student Conduct Code
  3. Employee Sex-Based Harassment and Sex-Discrimination Disciplinary Procedure

Reporting Options

Any person may report sex-based discrimination, including sexual harassment (whether or not the person reporting is the person alleged to be the victim of conduct that could constitute sex discrimination or sexual harassment). 

All college employees, excluding Confidential Employees, are considered Mandatory Reporters. Mandatory Reporters are required to report conduct that could reasonably constitute Sex Discrimination to the Title IX Coordinator

  1. Report online – Anyone who has experienced or witnessed sex discrimination (including pregnancy and parenting related conditions), possible relationship violence, sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, sexual assault, or stalking, can report. Reporting is a choice, not a requirement for students. Support is available whether or not you chose to file a formal report. A report does not automatically initiate an investigation.
    *Employees are obligated to report.*

    1. If you wish to submit a report about a student, use the Online Referral Form
    2. If you wish to submit a report about an employee, use the Faculty and Staff Discrimination & Harassment Report.
  2. Report in-person – Visit Building 12, Room 134 to connect with our Title IX Coordinator, Danielle Slota, to make a report in-person. 
  3. Report via phone– Call (206) 592-3600 to start the reporting process over the phone

If a complaint/case does not fall under the jurisdiction of Title IX, then the college may proceed in accordance with the Highline College Discrimination Harassment, and Retaliation Policy and Procedure. Please view the documents below.

If you are in need of emergency assistance, please call 911 or contact Public Safety at (206) 592-3218.

Supportive Measures Available

Supportive measures offered during the course of an investigation are determined on a case by case basis. You do not have to engage the formal Title IX process to access supportive measures.

They may include, but are not limited to:

  • Campus enforcement of no contact orders
  • Campus Safety escorts
  • Rescheduling of classes
  • Temporary work reassignments
  • Referrals for counseling or medical assistance
  • Disciplinary action for the respondent consistent with the College’s Student Conduct Code


Title IX Coordinator

Danielle K. Slota
Executive Director, Office of the President
Highline College, Building 12
(206) 592-3600
TitleIX@highline.edu | dslota@highline.edu