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New Employee Checklist

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New Employee Checklist 2019-04-10T14:42:33+00:00

New Employee Checklist

Welcome and Orient Them Well

The Human Resources will be scheduling a new employee orientation with your new employee within the first weeks of employment. The orientation covers a wide variety of information about the structure and values of the College, policies and procedures, how to navigate the HC website, safety on campus, employee benefits, as well as the opportunity to meet other staff and learn about other departments and resources available within the campus community. Don’t let them miss it!

Before They Arrive

Prepare your employee’s work area by cleaning out drawers, providing basic supplies, check that furniture and equipment are in safe, working order, order any additional furniture from Facilities and get computer equipment setup.

First Day

  • Bring in some treats or have balloons or a small flower arrangement on their desk when they arrive.
  • Show them where to place their belongings, location of office supplies/equipment.
  • Introduce them to the Department as well as other departments on Campus.
  • Location of restrooms, cafeteria and Bistro, cash machine, key contacts, etc. Keys and computer (if not done so already).
  • Work hours, any flexibility if offered, process for calling in sick/emergencies, leave requests.
  • Provide the employee with the updated home phone tree list for your department.
  • Phone system for the department – does central person take calls? Do they take calls for others?
  • What is the alarm code for your building?

Within The First Week

  • Mentor/guide – possibly you could appoint or ask for another staff member to act as a mentor/guide.
  • Job standards and expectations.
  • Purpose of job and how it fits into the department and HC’s mission. Also, department mission/goals.
  • Training and development – who can provide training of processes within your department?
  • What resources are there in assisting them perform the work?
  • How will they receive assignments and projects?
  • Organization chart.

Mail, how is it processed within the department and campus-wide?

Within The First Month

  • Ensure that your new employee has been briefed on the following.
  • All-campus events (Opening Week, Professional Development Day, Diversity Week, MLK Week, etc.)
  • Encourage employee to participate in campus-wide activities, workshops or lectures. Bookstore charge card.
  • Budget/Travel/Expenses
  • Celebrations (birthdays, holidays, etc.)
  • Emergencies – Building Coordinator
  • Facilities requests
  • Library
  • Overtime (frequency, process)
  • Staff meetings
  • Unwritten customs, culture
  • Vacations (how to request, scheduling system)

Follow Up

Above all, don’t forget to follow up with your employee within those first months. Be sure they know they can come to you, and that you will make time for them.