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Time and Attendance 2019-04-08T16:11:30+00:00

Time and Attendance

Effective December 1, 2008 overtime eligible employees are required to document every hour worked each pay period.

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires records be kept on total hours worked each workweek for employees in overtime eligible positions to determine when they are eligible to receive overtime compensation.

Overtime Eligible Time Tracking Process Roles & Responsibilities


Every two weeks, fill out, review, and sign: Time & Attendance Form

If applicable Absent Report Overtime Slip

Submit to supervisor.


Make sure they know which positions in their departments are overtime eligible, and that the employees in those positions understand their overtime eligibility status.

Maintain appropriate work/leave records for overtime eligible positions.

Every two weeks: review & sign: Time & Attendance Form

Review & approve:

  • Absent Report (if applicable)
  • Overtime Slip (if applicable)

Determine if employee worked in excess of 40 hours during their seven day work week. Employees should not work in excess of 40 hours without your prior approval.

Submit applicable overtime & leave slips to the Human Resources Department. If leave taken, confirm leave slip submitted. If overtime earned, confirm overtime recorded.

Send Time & Attendance Form to the Human Resources Department M.S. 99-200.

Please visit the Human Resources Forms page to view documents and forms.

Questions & Answers

What is the Fair Labor Standards Act?

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, record keeping, and child labor standards affecting full-time and part-time workers. Who determines if a position is overtime eligible? The Human Resource Department determines the overtime eligibility status for all positions based upon criteria established by the US Department of Labor.

Why do I have to fill out the Time and Leave Reporting form?

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires records be kept on total hours worked each workweek for employees in overtime eligible positions to determine when they are eligible to receive overtime compensation.

How often do I submit my Time and Leave Reporting form?

The electronic Time and Leave Reporting form needs to be submitted at the end of every pay period.

Who do I submit my Time and Leave Reporting form to? You will submit your electronic form to your supervisor. Your supervisor will then submit to Human Resources Department.

What is a work schedule?

Your work schedule describes the days and hours you are scheduled to work.

Who retains the Time and Leave Reporting form? How long?

The Human Resources Department retains these records for six years.

When am I eligible for overtime?

All hours worked in excess of 40 during the workweek are paid at time and one half.

How soon after I submit my overtime hours will I get paid for the overtime?

The paycheck in which you receive your overtime will vary depending on when overtime was worked and when the pay period ended. Here are some examples:

  • If you work overtime and your overtime slip is turned in for the dates in the pay period of 1 – 15, your overtime will be reflected in the paycheck on the 25th.
  • If you work overtime and your overtime slip is turned in for the dates in the pay period 16 – 30/31, your overtime will be reflected in the paycheck on the 10th of the next month.

When do I receive comp time?

Compensatory time may be accrued in lieu of overtime payment only by mutual agreement between the employee and supervisor. Compensatory time can be documented on the online Time and Leave Reporting form.

Am I eligible for overtime pay if I work extra time beyond my daily work schedule?

Overtime is paid when you have worked over 40 hours in a work week.

Do paid state holidays count as time worked when determining overtime?


Is supervisory approval required for overtime work?

There is an overtime authorization process and you must obtain supervisory approval in advance to work more than your regular work schedule. Overtime eligible employees must be paid for all hours worked whether overtime has been approved or not. However, employees who work unauthorized overtime hours may be subject to corrective action.

Can my supervisor require that I adjust my schedule at the end of my workweek to avoid paying overtime?

In most cases the supervisor may require that you adjust your regular work schedule. Employees’ work schedules may be temporarily changed with prior notice from the Employer.