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Payroll 2023-03-27T10:11:21+00:00

Payroll System

The primary purpose of the Payroll/Benefit office at Highline College is to provide centralized guidance and direction in payroll administration and employee benefit activity. We will serve our customer, the Highline employee, by providing reliable, responsive, and timely service.

The payroll information presented below is an overview of the College payroll system. This information is subject to change and is subject to the provisions of any legislative mandates and College policy changes. For more detailed information about Highline College pay, please do not hesitate to contact the Payroll Office at (206) 592-3812.

Pay Dates

Employees are paid on a ten-day lag. Hours worked the 1st through the 15th of the month is paid on the 25th of the month. Hours worked the 16th through the last day of the month are paid on the 10th of the following month. Due to holidays and irregularities of the calendar there are exceptions. If the normal payday falls on Saturday, payments are made on Friday. If normal paydays falls on Sunday, payments are made on Monday.

Online Employee Earnings History

Highline utilizes a “paperless” payroll and all employees are asked to sign up for electronic deposit of their earnings. Because no payroll “stub” is generated employees need to access the Employee Earnings History on the Highline intranet to view their net pay, deductions and leave balances. The employee SID and PIN are required for this access. If you access this page off campus, you will be first required to use your usual login information, such as your user ID and password.

Direct Deposit

New employees are asked to complete an electronic deposit form to send their net salary directly to their bank account. There will be one paper paycheck mailed to the employee before the direct deposit becomes effective. The paper check will be mailed to the employee’s home address on record as banks want one pay period to verify account information. In the event of a change of banks or accounts, Payroll must be given that information by the 15th or last day of the month in order that the employee’s salary is not sent to a closed account.

Tax information for Non Resident Alien Employees

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has issued a revenue ruling which changes the way employers calculate federal income taxes on wages paid to Nonresident Alien employees. The withholding rules are meant to prevent over-withholding by more closely approximating an individual’s actual income tax liability. More information is available at IRS Resident and Nonresident Aliens.