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Summer Schedule

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Summer Schedule 2019-04-10T14:27:17+00:00

Summer Schedule

Classified Employees

Working optional flex-hour work schedule

Full-Time Classified employees working the temporary 4/10’s (4 days at 10 hours per day) during the summer will revert to a normal work schedule of 5 days at 8 hours per day on the week of an observed holiday.

Part-Time Classified employees schedule will need to be adjusted according to their appointment.

For example: a classified employee with 75% appointment will have 6 hours of holiday and work 24 hours the rest of the holiday week.

Working standard flex-hour schedule

Full-Time Classified employees that are not normally scheduled to work on an observed holiday are entitled to 8 hours of holiday time that may be used on another day during the observed holiday week.

For example(s): Observed holiday is on a Monday and the classified employee’s work schedule is 8 hrs per day Tuesday – Saturday. The employee may schedule the use of the 8 hours of holiday during the observed holiday week of Tuesday -Saturday.

Employees normally working four 10 hour days Tuesday – Friday may schedule the use of 8 hours of holiday by reducing each work day to four 8 hour days during the observed holiday week.

Part-Time Classified employees that are not normally scheduled to work on an observed holiday are able to schedule holiday time determined by appointment to use during the schedule holiday observed work week.

For example(s): Observed holiday is on a Monday and the part-time classified employee with 75% appointment works 6 hours per day Tuesday – Saturday. The part-time employee may schedule the use of the 6 hours of holiday during the observed holiday week of Tuesday – Saturday.

Classified employee with 75% appointment works 7.5 hours per day Tuesday – Friday. The part-time employee may schedule the use of 6 hours of holiday by reducing each work day to four 6 hour days during the observed holiday week of Tuesday – Friday.